Frank Richards Cup 2020 - Ladies 4-wood singles (21 up)

Due to the small number of entrants the competition was arranged as a round-robin league rather than the usual knock-out format.

W/c 3 August
Sheila Payne 20 - Julie Coombes 19, Sarah Rose 10 - Liz Caird 21

W/c 10 August
Sheila Payne 21- Karvyon Rochell 1, Sarah Rose -v- Julie Coombes

W/c 17 August
Sheila Payne 21 - Liz Caird 9, Julie Coombes 21 - Karvyon Rochell 19

W/c 24 August
Sheila Payne 21 - Sarah Rose 2, Liz Caird 21 - Karvyon Rochell 6

W/c 31 August
Sarah Rose -v- Karvyon Rochell, Julie Coombes 14 - Liz Caird 21

League Table

  Played   W     D     L   Points Shot Diff
Sheila Payne (A) 4 4 0 0 8 52
Liz Caird (D) 4 3 0 1 6 21
Julie Coombes (C) 3 1 0 2 2 -6
Sarah Rose (B) 2 0 0 2 0 -30
Karvyon Rochell (E) 3 0 0 3 0 -37


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